When I have an appointment scheduled, it's kind of inconvenient when they call to change the date and time. I have a toddler, my husband's work schedule, and certain times to take into consideration. I have picked the time that works for ME, whadda mean come in at 8:30?! One o'clock in the afternoon works better for me! It's either 8:30 or sometime two weeks from now? FINE. 8:30 am is just F-i-n-e with me, no thank you very much!
This was an excerpt from a phone rescheduling call that I got from my eye doctor's receptionist. Very aggravating, seriously. Please don't mess with MY plans, cause it is so all about me... right? Whatever.
So, my eyes are fine, thanks for asking, but the rescheduled appointment was amazing for reasons not optical. The chick that orders my contacts for me was back today after being sick for the last three days, she wouldn't have been there the day before during my original appointment. This was like my third time meeting with her, she's nice, I like her, we could so hang out, but this meeting was divine. She shared things about her life, relationships, kids, etc. that would have normally been out of place for where we were at, but somehow, it was just perfect.
She ended her first abusive marriage, saving herself and her children, and has learned not to settle for anything less than the best for herself and her kids. By example, she has shown her daughter not to be a victim and her son that it is not okay be abusive. I shared some of my own experience with escalating abusive relationships and told her she has done right by her kids. We both were kinda like wow, by the end of our conversation. I made her laugh and she needed it (her words).
I left feeling blessed, thinking man, I would have missed out if life had gone according to my plans! God is amazing, you never know what blessings you will experience when your schedule get rearranged! I so can't wait for my next inconvenience!
Psalms 138:3
When I pray, you answer me; you encourage me by giving me the strength I need.
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