Sunday, November 7, 2010

Loneliness comes creeping in...

There is little solace this evening, there has been this whisper of sadness that has been breathing on the edges of my heart. I have denying hearing it, been ignoring it, pretending that it couldn't possibly be talking to me. Yet, in this moment I can no longer deny it's message. I am lonely. Not to be confused with desperately lonely, not seeking to destroy my peace of mind for the sake of any relationship... but a part of me wouldn't mind the companionship that a relationship offers.

I have been telling my friends that it is just the shifting of monthly hormones that permit me to feel the true sadness of loss. I only allow myself permission to mourn the loss of a dysfunctionally doomed relationship, true love tanked by one disagreement... so silly. In my heart I know that its ending was for the best. Liberating, and reaffirming that I should not settle for less than a full partnership. Two ends of the spectrum, on one end aggressive, angry and controlling and the other end passive, self-doubting, and weak. Neither option all that appealing in truth, although passive is certainly the lesser of two evils.

So, now I stand truly single for what it is worth, fumbling to find that someone who can walk with me. I have this keening sadness in my heart, the disappointedness of failing love. I remain open to possibility, wary of rushing or being hurt, trusting that God and time will heal all wounds. In all actuality, not much time has passed since my marriage has ended and I still have more grieving and healing to do from that relationship before I will be truly ready for a committed relationship... I suppose. But that doesn't stop my heart from longing to not have to walk every step alone.

Now, I suppose my secret is out. I am occasionally sad, and self-absorbed in wallowing. Not always. Just today. Just enough that I can feel it and I know that this too will pass. At the bottom of my box of tissues there is no magic answer, no balm for the soul. I do know this, and right now it feels so clichéd and trite, BUT I know it to be true... I am not truly alone. My God walks this with me, where ever I may go, He goes with me. And like so many people, I am flawed and suspicious of future hurts. How do we maintain the balance of hopeful expectation and faith-filled anticipation against life experience?

I have debated whether or not to post this since writing it last week... it is overly vulnerable, and I am not that sad today. But, this is how I roll... and I will risk it.

John 14:27
Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.


Cherylynn said...

I love the way you write. I really wish you would look at writing a book. I would be first in line to buy it. Love you lots call me sometime.

Dayna Collins said...

I am touched by your honesty and blown away by your beautiful writing. I am going to send a link to this post to my daughter - I think it will speak to where she is right now. Thank you.